Very big adventures

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What I did on my holidays

Izzie and I went up the coast to stay with my Aunt and Cousins. We went camping. Bax and G stayed home to finish the bed project.

Izzie loved camping. She particularly liked playing in the craypots. We ate sooo much crayfish and fresh fish and smoked fish and tuatua, which are like asymetrical pipi.

We went for a walk along the beach and Iz played in all the rivulets and got so sandy she was caked and we had to give her a gubba bath like we did all last summer. She even stuck her face in the water so her fringe got sandy too.

She slept really well with the sound of the waves and the wind. And she slept through even big gusts that pushed the tent flat against her trusty portacot and then billowed the sides in a big dramatic gesture.

We had a great day in town with my Aunt, shopping and eating cake and having coffee and bumping into various cousins.

Then Izzie and I drove home again. We were so excited to see Bax and G. When we came in the door Bax rushed up to us "Izziebella you have grown, You're even bigger than me!" he said giving her a cuddle.

Then last night they both slept right through in their brand new bunk beds.


Blogger the kanga barrons said...

I sooo miss the seafood from home! you are sooo lucky. sounds like you and izzy had fun on your holiday and glad to have another recent cutie photo of one of the kids to display at home xxxx

7:27 PM


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