Very big adventures

Monday, January 02, 2006

Christmas and all that

Christmas Eve was the best. We had a lovely supper of bits and pieces with Granny and Poppa and our lovely Auntie Pat. We had a few small presents and then hung up the stockings. Bax stood in the middle of the lounge and said to each one of us "Happy to you" "Happy to you" and then without any prompt we all burst out singing "Happy Christmas to Baxter' And he loved it so much he clapped us all and asked for more so we sung it all again for Izzie.

In the morning Bax woke up (not too early - I had been up for hours!) and we brought him in with us where he pulled all the little toys and lollies out of his stocking and smiled and laughed and loved every bit.

Then I did a very grown up thing and made everyone eat breakfast before we opened all the fantastic present from all over the world.

Later we went to Granny's sister's house and swam in the pool and ate.

It was a very calm, happy, relaxing and lovely Christmas.

Boxing Day: We woke up at 2.20am, left Auckland at 3am and drove to the East Coast. We arrived at 2pm for a week of camping. When I am back on terra firma I'll fill you in on all the wonderfullness of it.


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