Very big adventures

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Big Day Out

Bax went on his first real school holiday adventure yesterday, with Nana. Off they went to the Aquarium and then to the 'swims' (which is what Bax calls the swimming pools).

When I saw him later in the day he was bubbling over with the stories of his day. How the turtle was 'ginormous' and the swims were 'fantastic' and how he floated on his back and "didn't even die" and how he fell over and grazed his knee and had a big play in the playground.

When he got hom Izzie ran out to meet him saying brightly "Hi Baxter!" and he, all cool and calm, said "Hi Izzie" and they gave each other a big hug.

On Monday he starts real kindy and he's so big and on to it and amazing. It's a bit of a shock really.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Some small funnies

The kids were going manic this morning - screaming at the top of their lungs and later Mum asked what was up. here's what I told her:
I had spotted my two children trying to turn eachother into various and varied animals - you know : "You be a dog and I'm your owner" That type of thing. So I finger knitted them a pair of horses reins (very Steiner) out of beautiful hand dyed wool and soon they were trotting around the house being horses. Very harmonious, active-parenting, being involved, tapping into the needs of the child - all that. But next thing I know it's all off - "You be the horse!" "Nooooo!You be the horse!!" All hell breaks loose. So within 20 minutes of creating the perfect sharing-siblings toy the reigns are up on top of the fridge never to be played with again (I don't know how the home-spun kindy teachers do it!)

While we were away camping last week Bax ran into a tree. Full tilt. He was running back and forth between feeding ducks and where G and I sat on the grass and he ran smack into a palm tree. I was laughing so hard he had to tell me to stop laughing just so he could get a decent cuddle. Through the tears he whimpered "Can we go somewhere where there's no trees please?"

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Midnight wanderings (wonderings)

Middle of the night Bax wakes up screaming "It's too dark in my room!" For crying out loud kid it's midnight I want to scream back at him.

When I went to him he shouted (still asleep I think) "I want my dinner" . We had had dinner quite early for various reasons and I think he thought he'd missed out. "I want my dinner" he said over and over and for the first few minutes because I was half asleep myself I thought he was saying "I want my daddy". So I said in my sweetest most carrying voice "He's fast asleep darling, it's the middle of the night." That just sent him into a greater rage.

Anyhowdyhoo Bax ended up in our bed and G decamped to Izzie's bed and Izzie somewhere in the middle of all that crept into our bed too so the three of us lay there like sardines, or kittens or somesuch but I have to say we all slept really well.

We really must get Izzie sleeping in her bed. We're going camping next week so after that we will try with military discipline to get her to stay in her own bed.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


How do we save the faces of our children, the looks on those faces, the phrases only they use? How will we remember them forever as they are now at 2, 3, 4? No photograph has that power, no 2 minute video clip, no descriptive writing on any blog.

I feel so desperate some days to keep the tit bits of their lives somehow safe and close and complete.

Bax says "I'll miss you" to a dear friend off home to London and I feel so sad and so blessed. He says "When I was only three I had a dream about a taxi" Where does this random thought come from?

Izzie has a new hair cut, a short bob to her ears. It is very cute. She is the funniest most charming person I know and I adore her so much. How do I retain that somewhere inside?

I'm blathering. I'm going now.

O BTW Happy Xmas and New Year blessings and all that. Lvoe from all of us.