Very big adventures

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Tuesdays and Thursdays Mrs JG picks me up and takes me to work. It's Bax' job to wait at the door and tell me when she arrives.

Last Tuesday I couldn't find any underwear and I was searching through all the washing piles looking and Bax yelled "Mummy, Mrs G is here!"

I yelled back "I'm coming I'm just looking for something"

Bax opened the door and called to Mrs G "Hi Jenni!!"

Mrs G called back "Hi Bax"

Bax yelled " Mummy's just coming Jenni"

Mrs G "Okay Bax no hurry"

Bax yelled "She'll be here soon Jenni"

Mrs G "Happy to wait Bax"

Bax goes to the gate to get closer to the conversation then yells into our street
"Mummy's just getting her knickers on!"

(Note to self: mention to Bax that unmentionables are just that!)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Big Brave Boy

I don't know if you know this but I am terrified of dead animals especially if they have their heads still attached. Well on Saturday Beans the cat caught a mouse - which is great - and then proceeded to play with it in the hall for about an hour. It was grossing me out so I took Bax and fled to the kitchen closing all the doors behind us. Bax went to play outside.

About an hour later he came in the back door and said "Don't worry about that mouse now Mummy it's gone" I asked him to tell me more. He said "I stood on it and picked it up by its tail and threw it in the garden" I laughed "No you didn't you funny boy" I said. He said "Come and look then (you doubting old fool)" I followed him into the garden. He fished around in a bush and pulled out THE DEAD MOUSE.

He looked at me and said "I'm not afraid of anything Mummy except the dark".

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Words on words

Izzie's a hoot with her talking at the mo. She calls everyone Darling because they all call her darling probably. She sings ALL THE TIME. Mainly Twinkle twinkle. And if you say a word to her when she's singing she incorporates the word into the song - a fun game for the whole family.

But yesterday she stopped singing because she wasn't well. We were aghast.

She stared out the window on the way to town and didn't sing and it was so quiet that in a short while Bax leant across and whispered Izzie? You ok?

She turned her head, full of wan, to look at him and smiled feebly. So Bax whispered the first few bars of Twinkle and soon Izzie was joining in, albeit softly. She sang for only a little bit then turned and looked out the window again. It was pitiful.

But today she is back from outta space with a big smile upon her face. And singing and chatting again and saying to me Good Girl Mummy and That's My Daddy and calling people Darling.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sweet home

Got home tonight and all the carpets are vaccuumed, the benches are cleared and the smell of roast chicken and spuds is wafting - aahhhhh.

And our lovely friend KA just got back from Syders with bamboo sporks - one for each child. The kids loved eating their roast with the sporks which are small and oval with a fork on one end and a spoon on the other. Bax clutched his and gave me a Lady Di look and whispered "I love this" he then said "I want to put it somewhere safe. So I don't lose it." Then he wrapped it back up and put it in the cutlery draw. He's such a sensible little thing.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sorry again about the angle. This is our new hen house wot we made. G laughs because it is a Seuss-ian version of the Feijoa Store. It even has a mezzanine.

Our very own singing Indiana Jones

I did try to rotate these

100s and 1000s

Oooo remember how Scrooge McDuck rolled in his money? Well Iz poured a pottle (sorry Becky) of 100s and 1000s out on the carpet just so she could roll in them!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Magic sleep

Really we are pretty blessed with our sleeping children. Izzie still sleeps for three hours in the middle of the day and Bax was like that too. I hear that some children do not sleep at all and some sleep only 30 mins at a time!

On Saturday I was shattered. I went up to get Izzie up at 3.30pm and she was still asleep. I didn't want to wake her suddenly so I crawled into her cot and lay next to her. She woke up, sat up, cried, turned around and lay back down again. I closed my eyes and thought "This'll last 5 minutes!" I woke up an hour and a half later with Izzie still fast asleep beside me all warm and cosy and cuddly and red cheeked. I felt 150 times better.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


G and I are looking at something on the computer in the study and we can hear the children in their room which is across the hall. It is dark - 8pm. Bax is teaching Iz new words: FLOWER. he says. sounding it out FLOW-A . Then Iz: "FLOW-LA" "Not flowlar" says Bax and tries again. "Flow-a" he says over and over and very carefully announciating each bit and after a bit Iz gets it and shouts "FLOW. A!" SO cute.

Then we can hear Iz turning on her "I'm too tired to sleep" water works. So Bax begins singing to her and shushing her quietly.

Bax loves words: He likes to say delicious! and ridiculous! And ask You're joking?! and he tags Actually onto the end of everything. Izzie says "I like Dragons" a lot.

The other day we were waiting somewhere for something and I said to Bax "Let's learn a new word, how about AMAZING?" He tried it out "Amazing" he said a couple of times but it didn't stick really and I didn't hear him use it all day. Then that night I tucked them in and read a story and as I left the room Bax asked me to turn on the hall light so he could look at a book. I turned on the light and dimmed it a little and called in "How is that Bax?" And Bax called back "Thank you Mummy it's amazing!"