Very big adventures

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Art Deco

This weekend has been art deco weekend in the Bay (that's what we LOCALS call it!)

On Saturday the steam train came to town which was very very exciting for adults and kids alike! We all got dressed up and walked down to the pub which is right by the train stop. WE waited for ages, all dressed up in our art deco outfits: Izzie had on a sailor suit and straw boater with all her curls spilling out from under the brim. Bax had breeches, braces, shirt and his good ol "farmer" hat which is actually an indiana jones hat and perfect for all sorts of costuming opportunities. G had braces, lnog shorts and white shirt, I had frock and pants and flowers and beads. There was a coconut shy and a sausage sizzle and horse shoe throwing!

Then the train arrived and excitement excitement it pooped and chufed and sizzled to a stop and 400(!!) art deco people got off. They all traipsed off to the town hall to eat art deco food. It was so bright and sunny I couldn't cope and had to take the kids home to eat and wash and bed. But G went back later and reported there was a WONDERFUL jazz band and dancing in the streets and much much fun. I lay in bed and could hear one jazz band at the town hall and another down by the pub and all the old old oldies like fever and summertime floating across the fields up in through my window...

Then on sunday....(you'll have to wait - I have to get Izzie up...more tomorrow)


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