Very big adventures

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Prize winning gardening

In the mail box this week we had a little packet of seeds from Progressive otane - the local group injecting life into our village. There is a competition to grow the best sunflowers in time for our big village fete in Feb. Every house has been sent a packet and been asked to plant them so that the village is full of bright yellowness come Waitangi day. Yeeha! See that's why I moved to the Country!

And. My godmother sent us a big packet of swan plant seeds so we can attract the monarchs.

And. Auntie H sent us some cucumber seeds and kept some for Miss O and now we are having a "Who can grow the biggest cucumber" competition.


Blogger thefeijoastore said...

and with the secret ingredient of WORM WEE !! you will be unbeatable!

4:58 AM


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