Very big adventures

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Whimsical meanderings

I'm in hastings now, i start my new job tomorrow. That's exciting. but i've left G and the kids in Akl and I miss them. I can't stop thinking about them and what they're doing - and i obnly left them yesterday - and I've got two weeks of this to get through before I see them again!

I keep thinking i can hear them, esp. last night.

Did I ever tell you about the time G didn't know what to do with them on a very grotty day so he took them to a parrot show on at the local town hall? A parrott show?!

And did I tell you about the time we were in the Warewhare and it was taking so long and Izzie was getting scratchy so Bax started tickling her and she got the giggles and he was saying "tickle tickle tickle" and then he gave her a big hug and said "I love you I love you I love you" and I'd never heard that before and i nearly melted right there in the shop?
Did i tell you that I trimmed Izzie's fringe because she get getting it thick with snot (god that sounds awful when you write it down!) and now she looks like a little english nursery rhyme?

Did i tell you that I have the cutest kids in the world?


Blogger The Doylies said...

You do have the cutest kids in the world,well,apart from mine!!...I bet gerards missing you terribly too...but you will all be back together soon.I bet izzie looks cute with her fringe trimmed..Enjoy your first day at your new job.

8:15 PM


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