Very big adventures

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Photo update

The kids at the beach.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Did you know...?

According to Bax, Ambulances go de-dooo-de-dooo-de-doooo.
Fire engines go Peeble-peeble-peeble.
And police cars go wee-eooo-wee-eeooo

And wo be tide anyone who gets it confused.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

A very busy weekend

Poppa rang on Saturday Morning to ask if the river and the drains were flooding (the rain has been immense) and if we didn't know then we should know so we should drive over and have a look. So Bax, Izzie, Django and I climbed into the trucka nd drove down the road to Otane to have a look at water levels.

Izzie fell asleep in the car on the way back and Bax and I drove passed a fire station, there were men cleaning the engines out the front. We hopped out of the truck to have a look at the engines, even though it was raining. Bax was wearing his fire coat. One of the firemen saw us and came over to lift Bax up into the engine drivers seat. It was so exciting for him. He sat there really solemnly saying it was his fireengine. Then the firemen gave him some posters of fireengines. He examined them in great detail all the way home.

In the afternoon we left Iz with Sophie and took Bax to a movie. He's never been before - he is only three (nearly). We sat in the front row and there is a huge sweep of carpet infront before the screen. Bax sat on his seat for most of it, transfixed. Then he and G moved to the floor and Bax walked around on the carpetted bit with all the other little kids.

He slept really well that night, he was so pooped.

On Sunday, Bax and I took Django for a long walk in the park. We ran around and played on the playground and explored the formal gardens. Then we saw two guys racing their model airplanes. That was really cool. They kept buzzing Bax with them, flying them low over us.

Then we went to the farmers market and had a hot chocolate and bought a couple of yummy things and then we went home.

In the afternoon, the four of us drove over to Napier and happened upon one of those inside playgrounds. We went in and the kids spent the next hour and a hlaf climbing through tunnels and peddling little cars around and around. Bax is obsessed with making sure everyone's got petrol. He kept going up to other kids cars and pouring petrol. He fell in love when a little girl came over and did the same to him - you could see him think "Now there's a lady I could really love!"

All written out like this it sounds like a really over stimulating, slightly trashy weekend - but it was fun and relaxing. The weather here is just awful, we all have cabin fever. Can't wait to move into our house.

Oh and bad news on the carer front - I went to visit the woman and she was lovely but I decided against it for other reasons, so we're back to square one. Ho hum.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I've got a great big water proof coat on

Got home tonight and G has bought Bax the very same cool fireman coat I saw in Napier!(though he bought it in waipukarau).
Bax is very proud, head to toe now in red fire clothes of one kind and another. he proclaims he is the FIRECHIEF not just a fireman.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Little boy, lost

Poor Bax - all out of sorts - missing his kindy and his Miss O, and his bedroom things, and normality too I presume. He was so distressed yesterday and I made it worse by taking him to look at a kindy which I knew didn't have a place for him but I'm ever hopeful. It was a lovely place and Bax nuzzled into the little group playing with blocks and thought he'd met his new best friends.

A little baby was sitting in a swing in the kitchen and Bax went up to her and gave her a little push and the look in his eyes was absolute love. He had a real calmness about him in this lovely kindy. Izzie found a little basket and trotted through the house with it chattering away. Both very content and happy. But then we had to leave because our little visit was over.

On the way through the garden back to the car, Bax found a spade in the sand pit and started to dig, again so happy. But we had to leave. He got so upset. He just couldn't believe that he was off again. He was shaking and screaming at me "I want to dig a hole!!"

I sat quietly next to him trying to explain, it took ages to get him to come away.

That evening before dinner we went to visit Gorgeous George at school (he's at boarding school nearby) and Bax was so pleased to see him, Izzie too, we had a lovely walk all around the school grounds and Bax and George ran around and George spun Bax in the air and gave him big hugs and lots of love and attention and it was just what Bax needed (George too I suspect). But then we had to leave Georgie at school and Bax didn't like that and couldn't work out why he still hasn't seen our lovely Sophie (who is also at boarding school but on the other side of town).

Bax went to sleep that night really sad and quiet and almost like he'd just given in.

But today! What a difference. We have found a little playgroup of Steiner parents and today we all went along ( all four of us together!) and we sang songs (Bax could not believe his eyes and a real beam came across his face) when we all sang and danced ringa ringa rosies which he just loves. We had stories and made currant buns and ate fruit and built a see saw and made friends! Real friends that we can keep! And Bax got to dig a big hole in the sand pit!

And then this afternoon I got a call from a home carer who is a steiner parent and who just had a family with two children move their kids to a different place and so has a space for both Izzie and Bax two days a week starting in a few weeks. I'm so happy I could cry!

Just perfect!

So they will go there and there'll be only four children and then on a Wednesday afternoon we'll go to playgroup.

And this weekend we have George and Sophie back so everyone'll be very happy.

Two toddlers and two teenagers. This weekend therefore we have two socials, netball, homework, driving lessons, farmers market, and the lantern festival! Terrrific!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Got ma babbies back!

They arrived looking two inches taller (hair=two inches longer) while I was at work doing some stuff for thingee and whatsit. They skipped up the steps with G and I ran out to hug the bits off them.

I showed them off arund the office and they behaved lovely with lots of cuddles and sugar-rush, been-stuck-in-a-car-for-6-hours-straight jumping around.

We all cam ehome and had a hot deep bath, then fish and chips, yogurt and bed. on the way home with the takeaways Bax said from his back seat - "I love you mummy". Ooowwwwww.

All slept very well and happy - back together again.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

200 posts - thank you to everyone who is still listening!

I just rang G to see how everything was. He told me it was very tricky to get Bax to go to bed last night. Bax wanted to get up and watch TV. He went on and on until G said yes to getting up but no to watching TV.

Bax went into the living room. G turned off the TV, dimmed the lights. Then he took his newspaper, went into Bax' room turned on a CD of nursery ryhmes, sat in the big comfy chair and preceded to read the paper.

Very very soon a certain little boy came sullenly to the bedroom door. He said to Daddy "Out, I want to go to bed"!

G also said that he only had Iz at home this avo and he had got all the dressups out for her and she had just come into the room with a sparkly santa hat on, a scarf and a tutu!

Monday, June 05, 2006

First Day!

First though - I just spoke to Bax on the phone and we had a real conversation - even down to this:

"I miss you Bax"
"I miss you too"

That really mean a lot more than all the OTHER cool things that happened today.

it was a great day!

i had a morning coffee with the Mayor. There were crisis talks and community issues to sort and meetings with Civil Defense and with the boss at the Opera house - marvellous stuff! And i left the office at 4.30pm! (Only because I was turfed out by the Mayor's lovely secrtree)

I'm sure there'll be not so good days aswell, but today - with the sun shining and the sky blue and the air crisp - was wonderful!

Then i popped in to Lady H and had a cuppa and a play with her kiddlets before i came back to the Carey's for a glass o' vino!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Whimsical meanderings

I'm in hastings now, i start my new job tomorrow. That's exciting. but i've left G and the kids in Akl and I miss them. I can't stop thinking about them and what they're doing - and i obnly left them yesterday - and I've got two weeks of this to get through before I see them again!

I keep thinking i can hear them, esp. last night.

Did I ever tell you about the time G didn't know what to do with them on a very grotty day so he took them to a parrot show on at the local town hall? A parrott show?!

And did I tell you about the time we were in the Warewhare and it was taking so long and Izzie was getting scratchy so Bax started tickling her and she got the giggles and he was saying "tickle tickle tickle" and then he gave her a big hug and said "I love you I love you I love you" and I'd never heard that before and i nearly melted right there in the shop?
Did i tell you that I trimmed Izzie's fringe because she get getting it thick with snot (god that sounds awful when you write it down!) and now she looks like a little english nursery rhyme?

Did i tell you that I have the cutest kids in the world?