Very big adventures

Friday, March 03, 2006

Mouse but no Mouse

Mouse has gone AWOL. What a shame. He'll be back. Although I don't have a good rep when it comes to black male cats.

First there was Rainbow who got eaten by a possum.

Then there was Rastus and then Smith who both left pretty early on in the tenure.

Now Mouse. And when we most needed him. We have an awful truth to unveil - we have a mouse. Actually we had a mouse. Mouse is no more and neither is mouse.

Last night G set traps all over the kitchen, then he lay in wait, on the couch. 4am. Woke up to check the traps, all cheese gone but no mouse. 6am. Whammo! with the smallest bit of cheese left in the trap the mouse had fallen for it and was no more.

I found it of course and anyone who knows me knows I hate dead things, so when I came into the kitchen this morning and there it was on the stove top, I backed away slowly screaming "Geeebbbbss" With Bax behind me screamminngg "Geeebbbbss"".

Drama at 6.50am.

Gotta go - kumara boiling over.


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