Very big adventures

Saturday, February 11, 2006

more to come but here's the best

Everyone's gone home and we had a lovely time. Especially Izzie. All sleeping now. Full details to come when I'm more awake.


Blogger Laura said...

Happy Birthday Miss Izz. You look like you had a wonderful day. I would very much like your mum and dad to adopt me as I think you have an absolutely charmed life. Your mums descriptions of life in the Barron household sound positively fairytail-ish (if that's a word; if not then "" I have just invented one especially for you).
Much love and oodles of squishy cuddles
The Simcotts

11:30 AM

Blogger the kanga barrons said...

Happy Birthday Izzie. Hope you enjoy the books & unicorn. Lotsa love to you all xxxx

1:22 PM


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