Very big adventures

Monday, July 30, 2007

Too much stimulation

The ongoing sage of getting Izzie to sleep continues with patchy success. We have introduced a lamp which has fairies on it and casts a nice glow over the ceiling. She had it a couple of nights and seemed okay but last night she said to me "No lantern mummy, turn lantern off" and I realised that the poor kid had been lying there stairing at the fairies going around and around, trying to get to sleep!

Although it may just be another excuse...we'll see what happens tonight!

I haven't been online

I'm back and with more apologies. I've been finding it quite hard to fit everything in and the blog has dropped off the list. I have just got out of the habit, that's the problem, but I am still very dedicated in my heart to this and to all of you and I just have to kick myself in the butt and get back into it.

We had an amazing trip away and catching up with the Sims in Chch then seeing Auntie L in Akl reinforced to me that there are people out there reading this blog so I have real reasons to keep writing it.

At first I put it up to keep my Ma in the UK in the loop but now she is back with us I have to find another focus and that is all of you. SO this one is for the Aunties and the Nanas and the Grannys - you know who you are.

Friday, July 13, 2007


You may call them adventures but Bax calls them Benchers. We just went on one. To the South Island. There are so many things to tell but we got some great piccies and I shall put them up ASAP because then you'll see the happy faces etc and know what a great time we had.

Just one funny little thing for now though: When we drove to the ferry on the way home we got hot chips to share and then later on the ferry Iz mooched up and was munching hot chips and this was about 3 hours later so I wondered where she'd go them thinking it must be the floor or worse. But then I saw that she was reacxhing into her pocket! So when we had the chips earlier she must have stashed one in her pocket for everyone which she ate!


Tuesday, July 03, 2007


When Uncle S came home he introduced himself to Bax and Iz. Then Bax said hi i'm Baxter-Bob and this is my sister Isabella-bubble-nose. ooo those cutsey kiddy nicknames might stick a bit too well.


well we drovefrom Chch to Queenstown, to the snow, very easily. The kids travelled so well. Bax asking all the way Where are we? where are we going? Are we there yet? When we said "Queenstown" he kept asking where's the castle? And When are we seeing the king? It was so funny at first but quickly G and I realised that if we didn't find a castle pretty quick we were going to have one very disappointed Bax on our hands. We shared the story with Auntie Jode who we are staying with. Luckily, she said, there is a B&B up the road called The Turret. Saved. Bax seemed happy enough even though the Turret was a bit lame, we pointed out a few random Shist structures aswell and said they were the little castles where the princesses ;lived