Story time
We're on holiday and the kids are sleeping, eating all that stuff pretty well. but last night Bax just couldn't go to sleep so I told him to tell me a bedtime story so at least I could sleep. He started off "Once upon a time" and then he stalled. I said "there lived a boy called..." and Bax said "Jack" and then we want on in this manner with me prompting and him filling in the gaps. The story goes like this...
Once upon a time...there was a boy called..Jack...who lived with his...great the middle of a ...big forest...They were very...happy....they lived there with ....all their friends. ...Quacky the duck, Tommy the cat...and? ....That's all...One day...A big dragon came along...and?...some hunters....and they chopped up the wolf...and? Great granmother jumped out...and? That was lucky...The End. \\
Also, bax has been loving playing with henry and Freddy and Phoebe's toys. they have a terrific tiger suit. as we went to sleep Bax said to me..."what are you thinking about Mummy?" I said "I'm thinking about how much I love you, what are you thinking about?" He said.."I'm thinking about that great tiger suit!"